The most effective folk remedies for worms in adults and children

Traditional ways to treat wormsTreat worms with folk remedies at home. Recipes to get rid of parasitesIn order to effectively fight any parasite, its type must be accurately identified. After all, there is no universal drug that can rid a person of all parasites at once.

Symptoms and treatment

You can detect whether worms have colonized your body based on the results of a stool test or by observing the following symptoms:
  • Frequent constipation or diarrhea.
  • There is increased gas formation in the intestines and abdominal bloating occurs.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Pale skin.
  • Excessive fatigue, headache, insomnia.
  • A cough that lasts for a long time for no apparent reason.
  • Severe itching near the anus due to the release of worms.
  • lose weight.
  • Allergic rash.
  • Grinding your teeth while sleeping is a common symptom of a worm infection.
  • Muscle aches and swollen lymph nodes.
  • Drooling profusely.
  • Sometimes eggs and worm fragments can be seen in stool and underwear.
To confirm the diagnosis, stool needs to be analyzed, and if uninvited guests are found in the body, deworming treatment needs to be started urgently.First, make preparations to eliminate toxins from your body.Pumpkin oil will help with this. You need to drink it 3 times a day for a week, half an hour before meals.Now you can start treatment by choosing the right traditional medicine. Be sure to consider the dosage and do not interrupt the course of treatment.With the help of vitamins and herbal teas, you need to help the body restore its functions.Including grains, fermented dairy products, fresh juices, and excluding smoked foods, sweets, and fatty foods from your diet will help eliminate worms faster.To enhance the overall complexion of the body, it is recommended to take frequent walks in the fresh air and drink plenty of water.Eating fresh vegetables and herbs can replenish a body weakened by worms with vitamins and trace elements.

Type of worm

There are several types of worms:
  • round (nematode)– These worms have a round body shape and inhabit not only the intestines but also the kidneys, brain and other organs. They enter the body through dirty hands and food and through contact with animals and infected people. Roundworms include pinworms, whipworms and roundworms.
  • Tape (tapeworm)- Very long flatworms that live mainly in the intestines. The infection occurs from eating undercooked meat. These include pork and cattle tapeworms.
  • Flatworms (flukes)– These worms use suckers to attach themselves to the liver, lungs and intestines. You can get infected with schistosomiasis or liver fluke from dried and raw fish.
Once inside the organ, the worms reproduce there, lay eggs, suck nutrients from the body, and contaminate the body with waste products. The eggs are excreted with the feces, and some remain on the skin of the anus, causing itching.By scratching, you can transfer these eggs into the mouth and then into the intestines. That's why it's so important to start treatment right away.

Importance of determining parasite type for effective treatment

To treat every disease, you need to choose symptomatic drugs or folk remedies. If not treated properly, a patient's health may worsen and lead to serious health deterioration.
You can start using folk remedies to treat worms at home, but in order to be successful, you need to identify the type of parasite.
To treat worms at home using folk remedies, you need to identify the type of worm infection.
Common worm types:
Name intelligence
roundworms Roundworms are spindle-shaped - widening in the center and tapering at the edges. They can reach a length of up to 41 cm and a width of up to 7 mm. This parasite lives primarily in the small intestine, but sometimes migrates into the cystic duct, where it can become blocked. Mating of roundworms occurs inside the human body, and the eggs are excreted in the feces. After they mature underground, they enter the human body again as unwashed plants. After the roundworms hatch in the intestines, they travel through blood vessels and into the lungs. Here they mature and enter the small intestine again.
Pinworm Small white bugs, no more than 13 mm in length. They live in the large and small intestines. This type of worm can be contracted through unwashed vegetables and inhaling common dust that may contain pinworm eggs. Hygiene products, towels, bedding, and even a simple handshake can lead to infection. These parasites do not live long, and with proper treatment, you can get rid of them quickly.
Trichinella These are little worms. Their length does not exceed 3 mm. Infection occurs from eating meat that has not been heat treated, in which Trichinella spiralis larvae can survive. Adult worms live in the intestines and lay eggs. They then die and the larvae migrate to the muscle tissue, where they can live and feed for several years.
Whipworm These parasites stick to the intestinal wall and feed on human blood. Their length does not exceed 3. 5 mm.
tapeworm They come in several types. For example, some individuals can reach lengths of up to 16 meters, such as the broad tapeworm. Infection with these terrible parasites occurs due to poor heat treatment of meat and fish.

Effective folk remedies

Medicinal materials

In folk remedies, herbal infusions and decoctions are widely used to deworm:
  1. Tansy helps clear worms from the body
    tansyEffectively kills roundworms. To do this, mix one-third of a teaspoon of tansy pollen with equal parts of honey and eat it twice a day, half an hour before meals, for three days. After this period, you will need to take laxatives. You can brew tansy: put a spoonful of the flowers in a cup of boiling water for an hour. Drink according to art. Take it 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Contraindications:This anthelmintic drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and childhood. Strictly control the dosage to avoid causing vomiting and indigestion.
  2. ArtemisiaCure worms quickly. Brew 250 grams of fresh mugwort into one liter of boiling water. Leave it for 4 hours and drink 250ml after meals for a week. After 4 weeks of rest, you can repeat.Contraindications:Do not take during pregnancy.
  3. Immortelle- Medications to treat tapeworms. Two tablespoons. Lake put the herbs in 500 ml of boiling water overnight. For one week, drink 250 ml half an hour before meals, 4 times a day.Contraindications:Hypertension, pregnancy, cholelithiasis.
  4. Celandine.For three consecutive days, drink 100 ml of infusion twice a day before meals.
  5. coltsfoot.Add 1 tablespoon to 250ml hot water. Chop the herbs and leave until cool. Drink teaspoon. 4 times a day.warn:Be careful, grass is poisonous.
  6. Datura grass.This plant is poisonous, please do not take it internally! To get rid of the worms, you can inhale the smoke from burnt grass.
  7. Angelica sinensis.Put 100 grams of angelica root in 1 liter of vodka and leave it in a dark place for a month. Drink 1 tbsp. Lake 3 times daily for 30 days.Contraindications:Diabetes, pregnancy.
  8. marigoldThe body recovered well after the worms were expelled. Drink like tea.Contraindications:Do not use by children, pregnant and lactating women. It is forbidden for patients with hypotension and asthma.
  9. Thyme (thyme).Use 250 ml hot water to brew 1 tbsp. Lake dried thyme. Stir slightly and drink 1 tbsp. Lake after eating for two weeks.

6 most effective recipes

Herbal infusions can improve the effectiveness of treating most types of worms.Let’s take a look at the recipes that work:
  • Collection 1.Mix 2 doses each of cornflower, dandelion, burdock, chamomile, and mistletoe, 1 dose each of mugwort, eucalyptus, knotweed, and mint, and 3 parts tansy. Art. Leave the mixture in a glass of boiling water for half an hour. Drink 1 cup before meals, twice daily for 21 days.
  • Collection 2.30 grams each of chamomile, mugwort and tansy in a cup of hot water and let stand for half an hour. Drink 1 cup before meals, 2 times a day for a week.
  • Collection 3.One part each of tansy, chamomile, and gentian, and two parts each of sea buckthorn and wormwood. 1 tbsp. Leave the mixture in 250 ml of hot water for 12 hours, filter. You need to drink 1 tablespoon. Take twice a day, before meals, for three consecutive days.
  • Collection 4.Tansy, sea buckthorn, oak bark, mugwort, equal parts. Just 1 tsp. Place the mixture in 100ml hot water overnight. Drink it before breakfast after stress. This treatment will help treat worms, fungi, and other parasites.
  • Collection 5.Equal parts pumpkin seeds, sea buckthorn and tansy. Place a tablespoon in 250ml of water and bring to a boil. L. mix for 10 minutes. After draining, drink 250 ml of soup, 2 times a day, for 3 days.
  • Collection 6.Equal parts tansy, sea buckthorn, mint, mugwort, valerian and carrot seeds. Infuse 2 tbsp. Lake mix with 250 ml of water for 10 minutes. To treat helminth infections, take 250 ml twice daily for 3 days.

Garlic and onions fight worms

Strong agents like garlic and onions help poison the worms.garlic:
  • Eat before mealsa few cloves of garlic;
  • Stir the chopped garlic into a tablespoon of olive oil.After consumption, do not take anything from the food until you have a bowel movement. Repeat the next day.
  • Bread and olive oil for five days, infused with chopped garlic for two days.
  • Squeeze the juice from one kilogram of garlic and mix it with one liter of vegetable oil.Leave in a dark and cool place for 14 days. Strain, pour into a dark glass bottle and store in the refrigerator. Drink one teaspoon before breakfast. Suck but do not swallow for 10 minutes, then spit out. Repeat 4 times.Contraindications:Do not use for epilepsy, ulcers, kidney problems, gastritis.
  • Use a clove of garlic as a candle, carefully insert into the anus.
  • bedside tablePlace 100g of chopped onion in 250ml of hot water. Treat with 100 ml for 4 days.
  • The juice is squeezed from the chopped onions, mixed with honey in equal parts. Drink teaspoon. Twenty minutes before meals.
  • Onion peels and wormwood in equal parts.Two tablespoons. Fill a spoon with a liter of water. Simmer over low heat for half an hour. Used for enemas.Contraindications:Do not use for high blood pressure.


Tinctures have been successfully used to treat worm infections. Due to the alcohol content, these products should not be given to children and should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.Best recipe:
  • Mugwort Tincture.Mix a mixture of equal parts pumpkin seeds and wormwood leaves with three parts good quality vodka and let steep in a warm, dark place for about a week. Drink 50 grams half an hour before meals, twice a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.Contraindications:Do not take this anthelmintic medicine if you are pregnant or have a stomach ulcer.
  • Garlic tincture with horseradish.Add 50 g of a mixture of equal parts horseradish and garlic to 0. 5 liters of vodka. Drink a spoonful before meals.
  • Onion Tincture.Fill half a 0. 5 liter jar with chopped onions, add vodka and leave for 10 days. Drink 2 tablespoons before meals, 2 times daily.
  • Yarrow Tincture.Put 20 grams of herbs in 100 ml of vodka for two weeks. Drink it half an hour before meals, 3 times a day, 20 drops each time. The course lasts two weeks. Excellent medicine for treating roundworms.Contraindications:Pregnant.
  • Birch Bud Tincture.Leave some buds in 5 parts vodka for two weeks. Taken under Art. Lake three times a day.
  • Ginger Tincture.Place 500 g of ginger puree in 500 ml of good quality vodka and let it sit for 15 days. Drink 1 tsp. Take twice daily before meals.Contraindications:Do not use this product for diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Horseradish Tincture.Chop equal parts horseradish and garlic cloves and add to the porridge. Pour 50 grams into 500 ml of high-quality vodka, let it sit and shake for ten days. After straining, drink 1 tablespoon. Lake twice during the day, half an hour before meals.

Treatment of worms in children

For treatment of children under 12 years of age, medications to treat helminth infections should be chosen with special caution in consultation with a physician. Not all products approved for use in adults are suitable for children.During the treatment process, carefully observe the baby's hygiene:Rinse with warm water after each bowel movement, change clothes and bedding frequently, and clean and disinfect bedpans regularly. Keep toys clean as children like to put them in their mouths.If your baby is infected, you should not self-medicate, but immediately contact a specialist who will prescribe the necessary treatment.List of means and methods suitable for treating children:
  1. pumpkin seedsAccording to Art. Lake before breakfast. Children above 9 months need to grind the seeds into powder and mix 0. 5 teaspoons. Use equal amounts of honey.
  2. garlic.Soak three cloves of garlic in 250 ml of milk in a water bath for 10 minutes. Drink teaspoon. 10 days.
  3. Pomegranate Infusion.Infuse 1 tbsp of pomegranate rind. Boil water for 30 minutes. Drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Effective medicine for treating tapeworms.
  4. Birch soup.Boil half a cup of birch leaves in 250 ml of water for 10 minutes. Take a few sips before eating.
  5. sorrel.Put 500 grams of wood sorrel into 500 ml of boiling water and keep in a water bath for 10 minutes. Add 2 Tbsp. Add sugar and boil until reduced by half. Take a few sips before each meal for two days in a row. Roundworm Remedies.
  6. Artemisia annuaUse two cups of boiling water and cook over high heat for 10 minutes. Use the enema at night for a week.
  7. Hemp, castor or flaxseed oil.Drink tea or juice in the evening and 15 ml of oil 30 minutes later.
  8. honey waterA very effective and fast worm treatment. Mix one teaspoon of honey with 250 ml of water and drink it 30 minutes before meals.
  9. carrot juice1 tbsp freshly squeezed. Daily or grated carrots will gently repel worms.
  10. Give an enema with soda water. After enema with room temperature boiled water, enema with soda solution, then repeat with plain boiled water. Solution: Add 20 grams of baking soda to 800 ml of water, stir, and heat to 40 degrees. Try to retain the solution as long as possible. Repeat 8 times every other day.
  11. Warm chamomile infusion enemaHelps treat helminthiasis in children under 6 months of age. After defecation, zinc ointment should be used to lubricate the anus.
  12. 30ml carrot juice enemaDo this once a day for no more than a week.
Effective remedies that can be used to fight worms:
  1. radish.Mix equal parts chopped onions, radishes and garlic with a little water, heat and drink in sips.
  2. Tangerine.Chew and swallow a piece of peel. Do this an hour before meals. The second method: Grind lemon seeds into powder and eat them for 5 days. After a week of rest, repeat.
  3. PropolisA very effective remedy for worms. Mix half a teaspoon of propolis with 1 tsp. honey and stir in 250 ml of water. Drink twice a day before meals. Second method: Stir 1 teaspoon into 100ml milk or water. Propolis Tincture. Drink it twice a day.
  4. Another option:Stir 1 teaspoon each of honey, propolis and ginger into 250ml water. Drink twice a day before meals.
  5. Collect laxatives to remove worms.Equal parts viburnum berries, toadstool, elecampane and dill seeds. 2 tbsp. Simmer the mixture in two cups of boiling liquid overnight. Drink 100ml twice daily before meals. Better before breakfast and in the evening.
  6. Laxative collection 2.Equal proportions of cilantro, mint, peony and tansy. Steam 2 tbsp. Mix two cups of boiling water overnight. Drink 100ml before breakfast and in the evening. It works great at removing dead bugs.
  7. aloe vera.Wrap aloe vera leaves in newspaper and store in a cool place for 14 days. Then squeeze out the juice and mix it with honey in equal parts. Drink ½ cup before breakfast. After a few days, reduce the dose. Repeat treatment for worms for 7 days.
  8. Milk bath.Dip your anus into a bowl of warm milk. Perform this procedure for 60 minutes.
  9. Micro grouting.Alternate enemas with flax oil (1 tablespoon of oil per 100 ml of water) and tea tree oil (a few drops per 100 ml of warm water). Do it in the evening.
  10. Acts as a mild laxativeFor those that can eliminate insects, it is better to soak oats, lingonberries, radish juice, plums, and figs in water and decoct them.
  11. horseradish.Stir a teaspoon of horseradish porridge into 250ml of liquid and drink 100ml twice a day.
  12. Apple cider vinegar.Mix one teaspoon of 6% vinegar with 250ml of warm water. Drink 3 times before meals for 14 days.
  13. Mixture with herring.Grate the herring and add the egg yolk, garlic clove and 2 tsp. Millet. Pour in the milk and take 0. 5 tbsp. three times a day.
  14. A pineapple.Pineapple contains bromelain, a digestive enzyme that completely removes parasites from the body.
  15. coconut.Drinking a coconut milk bottle for three days can even get rid of worms like tapeworms.
  16. Rosehip Tincture.Drink 1 teaspoon twice daily before meals.
  17. corianderA powerful anthelmintic. Fry the seeds in a frying pan and then grind them into a powder. Take 1 gram after meals for 9 days.
  18. nettle.Decoction 1 tbsp. Lake Boil the roots in 250ml of liquid for 15 minutes, then let sit for 30 minutes. Drink 3 tbsp. Lake visits three times a day for five days.
  19. Kerosene anthelmintics.Put a few drops of kerosene on a piece of sugar and consume it before breakfast. Gradually increase the dose of kerosene to teaspoons. every day. The course of treatment is one month.
  20. CinnamonTake with the tip of a knife in the morning on an empty stomach.
  21. almondContains high amounts of fatty acids and therefore has an anthelmintic effect.
  22. edible clayDilute with water and precipitate. Leave the sediment behind and drink the liquid twice a day, 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 30 days. Then they drink it twice a week.
  23. pinecones.After boiling the green cones, simmer over low heat for six hours, adding water as it evaporates. Strain, mix with equal parts sugar and cook for a further 60 minutes until a thick syrup forms. Drink two tablespoons before breakfast. Lake until mixture is finished. A popular anthelmintic drug.
  24. Corn silk.Brew 10 grams of stigma in a cup of boiling water. After the infusion, drink 2 tablespoons. Lake three times a day.
  25. Fresh and sauerkraut juice.If there is a large accumulation of worms, drinking 100 ml of sauerkraut or fresh cabbage juice between meals will be effective.

child therapy

To fight worms in children, it is necessary to use the gentlest recipes. Correct use of them allows you to cleanse your baby's body without having to resort to medications.So, let’s take a look at proven, effective and simple ways to deworm children:
  • Roundworms excrete 1 tablespoon of crushed pumpkin seeds. Take a tablespoon on an empty stomach after waking up;
  • Eating a clove of garlic before breakfast can eliminate tapeworms for two weeks;
  • To get rid of tapeworms and some other parasites in children, an infusion of pomegranate peels can help: Mix one pomegranate peel with half a cup of boiling water, 1/2 teaspoon three times a day. Do not exceed the dosage, as artificially increasing the concentration of the active ingredient can cause vision problems in children;
  • Against flukes and nematodes, a decoction of birch leaves, taken a few sips before meals, is effective within 24 hours. The formula quickly eliminates the pest and the symptoms associated with its vital activity, so the treatment process is limited to one day.
The child's body is more susceptible to the effects of medicinal plants and therefore should not be treated alone. In order not to endanger the health of the younger generation, any at-home deworming and prevention methods should be discussed with a doctor in advance.

Parasite Recipes for Pregnant and Nursing Mothers

Featured Mild Recipes:
  • Pumpkin seeds help kill worms quickly.Take it before meals and it will be enough for a week.
  • Something like pomegranate juiceDrink 250ml per week to repel insects and increase hemoglobin.
  • Tea based on bilberry and valerian.Stew the dried, crushed herbs in 500 ml of boiling water.
  • beet juiceTake 1 tbsp. Lake midweek before breakfast.
Pregnant and nursing mothers should avoid taking any tinctures containing alcohol, anthelmintics made from unripe walnuts, flaxseed oil and certain herbal infusions (tansy, mugwort, helichrysum).You should avoid foods and infusions that have strong laxative effects.Always consult your doctor when choosing an antihelminthic drug.

Treatment for pregnant women

Most anthelmintics are contraindicated during pregnancy. Especially during the first trimester of pregnancy. This is because modern anti-parasitic drugs are highly toxic, meaning they can negatively affect the development of the baby in the womb and cause complications.But no woman in an interesting position is immune to worms. Fortunately, there are ways to combat them with natural formulas:
  • For 10 consecutive days, take 200 grams of pumpkin seeds in the morning after waking up - thanks to them you can rid your body of most types of parasites;
  • For a week, drink a glass of pomegranate juice on an empty stomach, preferably freshly squeezed;
  • A tea made from valerian and bilberry has a mild anthelmintic effect;
  • Take a teaspoon of dill seeds on an empty stomach in the morning after waking up, and use a mild laxative like roasted beets or soaked prunes at night.
Expectant mothers are first concerned about the health of their unborn babies, so they should be extremely cautious when choosing deworming drugs. Some of these can negatively impact the pregnancy itself or the baby's development.

How to choose a treatment

When parasites are discovered, many people have many questions. Which is better: pharmaceuticals, traditional medicine or enemas?Basically, there are two ways to cleanse the body: oral (ingesting the medication) and rectally (using an enema to introduce a mixture of medications into the intestines). Each of them has its own merits.

How to take medications by mouth

There is a large selection of medications that produce anthelmintic effects. Once inside the body, the drug spreads throughout the body and destroys the worm infection. Such medications have been successfully used at home. But you should definitely consult your doctor before taking them.


Some types of worms live only in the intestinal area. In this case, using an enema is the best option. Moreover, topical treatment does not put additional stress on the liver and kidneys.However, doctors do not recommend frequent use of enemas in patients whose microbiota is disturbed or whose parasites are concentrated in the stomach, liver, or joints.